Mateo Hurtado – All The While Staying Perfectly Still

Mateo Hurtado – All The While Staying Perfectly Still

Mateo Hurtado

“All The While Staying Perfectly Still”

Creator of Techno and Experimental Music with an intuitive and analogue character. Deeply inspired by the surrealist movement, obscure symbolism and ritualistic incantations, his music seeks to invoke hidden, impossible images and bring to light the indecipherable messages buried in the unconscious.
Coming from a background which involves both early contact with more somber forms of musical expression as well as involvement and education in the world of art, his process and approach to electronic music seeks to overcome conventional boundaries of the genre and handle the musical material akin to the ideas of urrealism.
These concepts manifests themselves through an array of analog and digital, modular and conventional electronic instruments. Mateo has been focusing on heavily improvised live performances, in which shifting polyrhythmic material is fused with otherworldy, strange melodies, ritualistic drumwork and… more
released January 13, 2020
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