Miquel Parera – The Dog that Ate Stars

Miquel Parera – The Dog that Ate Stars

Miquel Parera

“The Dog that Ate Stars”

The Eternal Feedback of Existence: Gonzo Robot, Noises and Space Monsters.
La Eterna Realimentación de la Existencia: Gonzo Robot, Ruidos y Monstruos Espaciales.


r491 – TEFE060
The Dog that Ate Stars

Miquel Parera – 18/01/20

1- Stars that Disappear. – TEFE060-1-Rhythm-2020-01-18-09-40-05 – 00:02:46.44
2- Trip to the Planet of the Doggy. – TEFE060-2-Trip-2020-01-18-09-28-24 – 00:04:35.67
3- The Observer of Gods. – TEFE060-3-Rhythm-2020-01-18-09-45-22 – 00:03:02.04
4- Bloody Hunt. – TEFE060-4-Bloody-2020-01-18-09-53-27 – 00:03:05.76
5- No Place without Time. – TEFE060-5-Rhythm-2020-01-18-10-00-20 – 00:02:37.52
6- Waves of Chaos. – TEFE060-6-Wave-2020-01-18-10-05-03 – 00:04:40.13

Total Time: 00:20:47.56


More about Gonzo Robot & The Eternal Feedback of Existence

The Eternal Feedback of Existence:

Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/@computermusicneix
Bandcamp: https://tefe.bandcamp.com/
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2jcepTQdEg8OvuE14zLnQY
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/artist/Miquel_Parera?id=Axcvwmwxpx6a6s5rzzewl2krk5i
Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/artist/10684832

Gonzo Robot Reports:



For more information, critiques, trolls or even generous editorial contracts, you can contact the author, Miquel Parera at:



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