Ghobi – Stele / Wollstonecraft

Ghobi – Stele / Wollstonecraft


“Stele / Wollstonecraft”

Ghobi are : Lele: guitars , effects, French horn
Giro: bass, effects
Palla: drums, percussions
Mastered by: Simone Giorgi

The “Wollstonecraft / Stele” project is a split within Ghobi itself, originating from works on improvisational and transversal material, where horn color most of the tracks creating atmospheres which can be dark and then turn into airier stanzas. The project is the result of transversal listenings that inevitably had a significant impact on the sounds and structures of the tracks. The recording is rather lo-fi by choice, bringing out the specific and living atmospheres of the parts which recorded live, and this would have otherwise meant losing its true nature. The project is divided ideologically into two parts: Wollstonecraft (more airy) and Stele (darker). We can’t forget to mention the vocal contribution on some occasions (on the tracks Julian date, Volgo, Eleven Days…) by Anna with whom we have active a collaborative project/ensemble named Wollstonecraft Air

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