Barbiero/Bocci – Now/here

Barbiero/Bocci – Now/here



Now, Here: the most basic points of reference by which we locate ourselves in time and place at any given moment. And yet they are constantly moving, changing. Now is the vanishing point of the present continuously slipping into Then and reaching out to Not-yet; Here just as quickly becomes There. Now and Here turn out to inhabit the abyss of Nowhere in a paradox of reciprocity–much like Heraclitus’ road up being the same as the road down: One is nowhere and now here, at the same time.
The essential elusiveness of Now and Here inspired the music on Now/Here. The ephemerality of sound simply transposes the ephemerality of our being Here and Now into a more literal, more compressed (and more easily observed) key. Sound arises from silence and is now/here; it reverts back into silence and is nowhere. In an endless cycle.

All pieces jointly composed by Barbiero and Bocci. “Paths (A Winter Day in a Seaside Town)” is an open-form score by Bocci; “Ten Lines for Now/Where” is a graphic score by Barbiero.

Daniel Barbiero: double bass, Geomungo on track 2
Cristiano Bocci: electronics, electric bass

Recorded June-December 2019 in Silver Spring (USA) and Ancaiano (Italy)
Assembled and mixed by Cristiano Bocci
Mastering by Raffaele Pezzella (Sonologyst
Art work by Marinella Caslini (

Cristiano Bocci plays a 6 string Biarnel Akmè bass (

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