Pinegrove – Elsewhere 2

Pinegrove – Elsewhere 2


“Elsewhere 2”

released April 21, 2020

all income from this pay-what-you-want record will be donated to Black Lives Matter.

we stand in solidarity with the families of george floyd, breonna taylor, ahmaud arbery, & those of the innumerable other black americans lynched in this country throughout our history.

we stand in unequivocal solidarity with black americans begging for their FULL liberation.

violence happens against humans, animals, the earth. not property. looting & vandalism ARE non-violent protest. burn down the symbology of oppression—this is a powerful gesture. don’t compare it to the loss of life by using the word “violent.”

we are committed to listening, learning, & using our voice to help fight for the change that is so desperately needed in this country.

recorded between January 17 – February 23, 2020

performed by:

Evan Stephens Hall (vocals / guitar)
Josh Marre (guitar / vocals)
Sam Skinner (guitar / keyboard / percussion)
Nick Levine (guitar / pedal steel / vocals)
Megan Benavente (bass / vocals)
Zack Levine (drums / vocals)

recorded by:
Chris Dwight

mixed & mastered by:
Sam Skinner

all songs written by Evan Stephens Hall
courtesy of Ampersand Logistics

we’d also like to thank to the incredible support bands on this tour:
Whitney Ballen
Blue Ranger

thanks to our crew —we love you & these recordings wouldn’t exist without you!

sound engineer:
Chris Dwight

merch manager:
Lexie Frisbie

backline technician:
Sam Smiley
Mike Dvorscak

tour manager:
Sir Phillip Randall

bus driver:
Larry Dincher

& a special thanks to Tom Davies & Sammy Maine

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