A Symbiotic Experience – Gesamtkunstwerk

A Symbiotic Experience – Gesamtkunstwerk

A Symbiotic Experience


The Necrophile Hummingbird netlabel and HAMFUGGI Records present Gesamtkuntswerk the fourth album of A Symbiotic Experience.

Gesamtkunswerk means “A total work of art”… Indeed our own idea of the fourth way, the synthesis of death, life and dream, using the “narration” tool to create… our lives. Welcome in this new step of the mutation process which brung next rADio eNd.

“Total Art Program for Human Processors”.

The Third Near Death Experience is here

The second Rebirth is here archive.org/details/Rebirth_A_Symbiotic_Experience

The first Renaskigo is here hamfuggirecords.bandcamp.com/album/renaskigo

Also there is a prequel to A Symbiotic Experience : Dawn of the Damned.

A Symbiotic Experience is a project created for HAMFUGGI Records, but we really love Non Exclusive Concept so we chose to do a double release. More informations here hamfugi.wixsite.com/hamfuggirecords/a-symbiotic-experience

It’s another perfect horsnorme music example, so it’s not relevant to link it to any musical styles.

About the influences you may find it linked to nothing else than the music of the two protagonists which is allready a lot because they are quite eclectics :
Gabriel Pereira Spurr & Yoshiwaku Mushotoku

Another thing, the visual side is an important part of this project.
So here is a Video Art Clip :
Abstract Television

Recorded between Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Foucherans (France)

Dedicated to everyone Awake : dreamers creating beyond any forms their own reality.

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