Lotech/Hijack – Astral Dubs

Lotech/Hijack – Astral Dubs


“Astral Dubs”

now the new Release on Insectorama.

Lotech/Hijack – Astral Dubs (Insectorama106)

Canada’s master of dubtechno is back on Insectorama. Lotech/Hijack once again shows its definition of dubtechno with its new 5-track ep. A unique sound that embarks on a 40-minute journey into the deepest abysses full of delays, echoes and reverbs. An unbelievably dense sound that ranges from ambient to soundscapes to the deepest dubtechno. An absolute masterpiece from the other end of the world. Enjoy this journey and let yourself fall into a sound that is out of this world.

astral dub 1.5 (enter the yoruba)
astral dub 2
astral dub 3
astral dub 4
astral dub 5 (exit stage left)

all tracks by lotech/hijack

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