Flatliner – Apocalypse Wow

free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
“D-Trash Records is proud to presents you the record of the year, the record of a life-time.
Composed, mixed or whatever, entirely with his cheap broke ass, Tommy Mnemonic (famous Bandcamp’s billionaire, awarded by 14 Oscars) give us the magnum opus that will define the music for years to come.
Try to imagine a subtle blend of Pop, Blues and Mongolian Music, but fully distorted, every track cranked up until shits stars to smoke, that’s what it sounds like. This album is the soundtrack, The soundtrack of a man, a man who kinda managed to use a sequencer and decided to deliver the best arranged melodies ever on 10 songs that will perfectly fit for any birthday parties, riots, babysitting, drug raid, car travel, street fights, gender reveal, weddings and many more!
So, don’t be afraid to play it at full volume.
This album has been mixed and mastered by the finest audio engineers in the world, it’s made so it’ll play best at full volume so even your neighbors can enjoy it aswell, believe us, they’ll love it.”
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