Bourbon Military – Digital Chalisa

free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
Compensating world noise.
Where have the good times gone?
Divided by zero.
Sound artist Pawel Rassolko returns to Phonocake with an album that offers us a sound that fits so really well in this year 2022. It’s not an easy album to listen to, it’s quite demanding, but it’s worth experiencing it as an hour of a concert in sound art shared with the world, expressing themes of confusion, war, longing, nostalgia and fear. Pavel Rassolko makes music for films and is also a writer.
At this site many netlabels are posting their new free releases. Please visit the home pages of the labels to get the free music. The most of the files are published under a creative commons licence.
The old message board: 2004-2011.
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