01. Mediatrix – Lihvir 05:25
02. {AN} EeL – Vox Pox 04:34
03. alfa00 – Roadtrip (Ukutarak; Dialect of Kwatarese) 05:54
04. pszren – Reaction to Critique 00:51
05. Wilfried Hanrath – The Lament 08:44
06. Pariah – Enuthir Wey 03:30
07. Wilfried Hanrath – Gaudeamus Igitur [feat. LR Friberg and Terbeschikkingstelling] 10:11
08. Terbeschikkingstelling – Qaad Nar’na’nq 01:12
09. Lärmschutz – Aoaezeaimt 06:54
10. Yellow Salamand’r – Ynglish Profess’r 04:47
11. Pete Swinton – Gaq Graimir Umua Yari 04:57
12. Nimbostrata – Soilani 04:09
13. Piaka Roela – Lipos 03:06
14. Fabian van den Eijnden – Rholvird 02:40
15. alfa00 – Radiolanguage Ukutarak 13:28
“This album brings together two decade-old ideas that I had been developing for my now-defunct label Nova Beat Estate: artificial languages and unusual musical instruments. Participating artists were asked to create tracks featuring their own constructed languages and/or unusual musical instruments. The description of the compilation is written in the Hettege language, created by me for this compilation”. (LR Friberg)
Also worth listening: