Indifferent Spaces & Jan LF Strach – New Age Confusion In True Mid-Fi

free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
“New Age Confusion in Tru Mid-fi” is the result of a two-year long exchange of sounds between Jan LF Strach and Lxnnnie. The artists alternately collected, looped and sent to each other samples collected from their local cartoons, walks, dusty old tapes and early recordings. You will find among them recordings from a Polish church, music from tv series, fragments of nameless taped found in Polish thrift shops – for self-hypnosis, for stereo system testing, or teaching yourself guitar. Although the soundscapes are firmly backed by solid, pounding beats, the whole is profoundly psychodelic and effervescent, full of melodies suddenly rising from the clouds just to draw you in, disappear, and then come back with double the force.
released September 5, 2022
Jan LF Strach,
Indifferent Spaces :
Jednocześnie wydane w labelu Unfinite Records : / simultaneously released on Unfinite Records :
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