La 6ème République – Plus jamais de 49.3 !

free music | creative commons music | Business Is Not My Music
“Born in an emergency following the use of 49.3 article to pass the pension reform, while the whole country is in proto insurgency situation as says the mass media, this EP of the revolutionary anarcho-electro-punk cell the 6th Republic is an invitation to rise up against work until death and to build a human world on the ashes of the dying one.”
Dedicated to the youth who are rising up in 2023 and to all those who have been doing the impossible, for years now, to destroy the power.
Video Art Clip :
Black Electro Rock V49.3 https://youtu.be/i5uqy4S8y4Y
All the album by La 6ème République are free get the links on the release page, as well as lyrics translations or more informations.
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