Humanfobia – Vorhees on the witchy cabins

Humanfobia – Vorhees on the witchy cabins


“Vorhees on the witchy cabins”

Compilation of past humanfobia tracks inspired on the classic horror movie series “FRIDAY THE 13TH” also some collaborations about it.

– All tracks mixed, remixed, cover collage by Sábila Orbe.
– Accompained by respective collaborators in each track. (except tracks 3 & 7 solo humanfobia tracks)
– Vocals in tracks: 1,2,4,5.6,7 & 9, model in the cover: Mist Spectra.

Humanfobia is a dark experimental, witch house, ghostly electronic music duo from Rancagua,Chile. Members: Sábila Orbe (sound mixer and male vocals) & Mist Spectra (lead female vocalist)

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