Various Artist – 3pr​​​​​​​​​​​(​​​​​​​​​​​iii​​​​​​​​​​​)​​​11ses

Various Artist – 3pr​​​​​​​​​​​(​​​​​​​​​​​iii​​​​​​​​​​​)​​​11ses


[category: France]


Various Artist


3 priiises V/A project come back with a new volume.
01 – Sonido Postal – Confluence

De forma artificial, el audio toma forma de collage progresivo, donde la mezcla de grabaciones de campo comienzan en entornos naturales, con sonidos que representan esa espacialidad, poco a poco va mutando hacia sonidos en los cuales los humanos tienen alguna participación más directa, dilucidando de a poco un sonido más urbano, hasta terminar en el ruido de la ciudad, que refleja más la parte industrial de la misma.
Confluencia retrata una mínima posibilidad de las diferencias y similitudes que pueden contener estos entornos, pudiendo ser apreciados a través del sonido y la representación visual imaginativa, ya sea del lago o el mar, hasta la ciudad.

El audio es una recolección de grabaciones de campo realizadas en diferentes lugares de Argentina, realizado por Damián Alférez:
– Playa acantilados, Mar del plata (sonidos de piedras y el mar).
– Laguna de los Padres, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires (sonidos del agua, cotorras, gente, insectos).
– Chapadmalal, Buenos Aires (sonidos de ranas y perros).
– Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires ( sonido de gotas de agua en un departamento).
– Puerto Madryn, Chubut (sonidos de la calle, llamadores de ángeles, skates).
– Centro de la ciudad de Mar del Plata (sonidos de vehículos, ventiladores, interferencias).
– José Marmol, Buenos Aires (sonidos de vehículos, y vendedor de chatarra).

Artificially, the audio takes the form of a progressive collage, where the mix of field recordings begins in natural environments, with sounds that represent that spatiality, little by little it mutates towards sounds in which humans have some more direct participation, elucidating little by little a more urban sound, until ending in the noise of the city, which reflects more the industrial part of it.

Confluence portrays a minimal possibility of the differences and similarities that these environments can contain, being able to be appreciated through sound and imaginative visual representation, be it from the lake or the sea, to the city.

The audio is a collection of field recordings made in different places in Argentina, recorded by Damián Alférez:

– Cliffs beach, Mar del Plata (sounds of stones and the sea).
– Laguna de los Padres, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires (sounds of water, parrots, people, insects).
– Chapadmalal, Buenos Aires (sounds of frogs and dogs).
– Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires (sound of water drops in an apartment).
– Puerto Madryn, Chubut (sounds of the street, angel callers, skates).
– Mar del Plata city center (vehicle sounds, fans, interference).
– José Marmol, Buenos Aires (vehicle sounds, and junk dealer).

IG: damianjalf

02 – Gérard Parésys – Emergence

Un montage de 3 pièces.
Chaque pièce est en 3 parties, elle part d’un field-recording, évolue vers un traitement électronique et revient au field-recording.
De l’eau, du feu et du vent … en 13’33”
A l’extérieur et à l’intérieur.
De l’animal, du minéral, du végétal…

A montage of 3 pieces.
Each piece is in 3 parts, starting with field-recording, evolving towards electronic processing and returning to field-recording.
Water, fire and wind… in 13’33”.
Outdoor and indoor.
Animal, mineral, vegetal…

03 – Les Soulèvements du Vivant – Flagrance

Extrait de la Casserolade du Lundi 17 Avril 2023 à 20h à Dole (France). Captation réalisée pour documenter le mouvement de résistance à la politique antidémocratique d’Emmanuel Macron.
Il n’a pas hésité à imposer sa réforme des retraites à l’aide de l’article 49.3 sans vote de l’assemblée nationale et ce malgré une opposition massive de la population à son projet de réforme des retraites : 93 % des actifs en janvier selon une étude de l’institut Montaigne et 80% de l’ensemble de la population selon un sondage Odoxa-Agipi en janvier 2023. Refusant de prendre en compte les manifestations qui ont eu lieu pendant des mois. Se drapant dans le mensonge de sa légitimité alors qu’il n’a été élu qu’en s’appuyant sur le rejet du rassemblement national. Spontanément la population a repris le principe des casserolades du printemps d’érable pour lui signifier que ses mensonges ne feraient plus jamais illusion. Les coups de sifflets annoncent le moment où la casserolade est partie en manifestation sauvage.

Extract from the Casserolade which took place on Monday April 17, 2023 at 8 p.m. in Dole (France). Recording made to document the resistance movement to the anti-democratic politics of Emmanuel Macron.
He did not hesitate to enforce his pension reform using Article 49.3 without a vote from the National Assembly, despite massive opposition from the population to his pension reform project: 93% of the labour force according to a study by the Montaigne Institute published in January 2023 and 80% of the entire population according to an Odoxa-Agipi poll, also published in January 2023. Therefore refusing to take into account the protests that took place for months across the country. Selfassuming the lie of his legitimacy when he was elected on the rejection of the National Gathering only. Spontaneously the population took up the principle of maple spring casseroles to let him know that his lies would never deceive anymore. The whistles announce the moment when the casserolade turns into wild protests.

Illustration de la prise de son photographiée par Christophe Martin lors du rassemblement en soutien aux victimes des sbires de la macronie à Sainte-Soline, afin de montrer que la lutte écologique et la lutte sociale sont désormais indissociables.

This illustrates the sound recording that was pictured by Christophe Martin during the protest in support of the victims of the macronie’s henchmen at Sainte-Soline, in order to show that ecological and social struggles have now become inextricably tied up.

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