Multiple Personality 3 – MUTATIONS

Multiple Personality 3 – MUTATIONS

Multiple Personality 3


Recorded live the 17th July 2023 in the Cave Haven in Foucherans (france).
The same day than Orpheus Secret by REfugEEs From Beyond.
Well it was a very warm day of summer and we were very happy to play again together*…
Also this is perhaps the very last recording of Multiple Personality 3, that’s why it sounds sometime closer to PIRATE Tapes

*Halas it was a so small cellar to host five people like us inside without to be a total mess. It could be our worst improvisation session ! Like 5 elements unable to play together… till the last track when we remain only 3. I apologize I should have read first the combo name “Multiple Personality 3” and understand that to play in trio is the best line-up for us.

Loosely based on the Book Of Mutations…

Video Art Clips Omnibus is here

Vincent Cardinaux : Drums
Alain Grille : Electric Guitar + FX
Psyché Pelik : Vox
Vèver Coub : Electric Bass Guitar
Ed End : Noise + VX backing.

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