Mauro Sambo & George Cartwright – Mantieni il calore

Mauro Sambo & George Cartwright – Mantieni il calore

Mauro Sambo & George Cartwright

“Mantieni il calore”

01 tutto si muove, lo sento
Mauro Sambo – electronics, percussion
George Cartwright – piano

02 ho bisogno di lasciare tracce
Mauro Sambo – electric guitar, electronics, percussion, gong
George Cartwright – tenor sax, acoustic guitar

03 il fluido si è solidificato
Mauro Sambo – contra alto clarinet
George Cartwright – electronics

04 mossi ondeggianti e fragili
Mauro Sambo – electric guitar
George Cartwright – alto sax

05 qualche minuscolo frammento
Mauro Sambo – alto sax
George Cartwright – alto sax

06 il vento la spinge e lei non oppone resistenza
Mauro Sambo – gong, electronics, percussion
George Cartwright – electric guitar

The titles of the CD and the songs
are taken from the book “Flussi” by Matilde Sambo

Cover art “Cantus ab aestu” 2018 by Matilde Sambo

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