Stanley Hottek – Stupid Love

Stanley Hottek – Stupid Love

Stanley Hottek

“Stupid Love”

At the beginning of the year, Sascha Müller (Psychocandies) asked me if I wanted to do my part for Netlabel Day and contribute a track. Full of enthusiasm, I immediately agreed, only to later realize that time was running out. Too much on my mind, too many projects at once – my problem again. At the last minute, I found a track that had been hidden in my infamous drawer since 2021. Since I recognized potential, I got to work on it, as always at the last minute, changing a few nuances here and there and giving my Waldorf Pulse a voice again.

The theme of the track is “Stupid Love” – ​​a reflection on how crazy love can sometimes be. Whether it’s the passion for music, the relationship with your better half or the incessant urge for toxic bonds and intense, physical music – love has many facets.

As always, you can download the track for free from my Bandcamp profile and from today you can also hear it somewhere in the vastness of this stream during the online stream for Netlabel Day.

Support is welcome, downloads are welcome, sharing is welcome.

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