Various Artist – The Psychic Wankers And The Deep Learning Machine

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The Necrophile Humingbird Netlabel presents The Psychic Wankers And The Deep Learning by PIRATE Tapes X REfugEEs From Beyond.
“Apocalyptic Noise Rock for Psychedelic Dreamers”
Split album between PIRATE Tapes & REfugEEs From Beyond live improvisation recorded the 1st March 1969 at the Cave Haven in Foucherans. Well I won’t pretend this psychedelic gem is an unknown lost album of the late 60’s area, it could, but it is not. Indeed it’s just one more PIRATE Tapes X REfugEEs From Beyond album. But what it changes ?
It’s funny to notice the strange conflict between the influence of Frank Herbert’s Dune, my fav book when I was ten, and Vincent King’s Candy Man in the choice of the titles.
The 5 first tracks are the official album and there are a few extra tracks : a ghost track, a bootleg and an alternative solo version of Speed Learning Water.
Dedicated to all the victims of the Artificial Intelligence.
Members :
Master of Ceremony : Psyché Pelik
Guitar Hero : Studio112
Disc Jockey : Yoshiwaku Mushotoku
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