Yoshiwaku – I Joyfully Await The Exit

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The Necrophile Hummingbird netlabel presents I Joyfully Await The Exit by Yoshiwaku.
“Suicidal Music for full of Hope People”
Live improvisation recorded in July 2024 at the Cave Haven in Foucherans.
This is a kind of tribute to Frida Kahlo.
Beware If you are fragile avoid to listen this, because it’s quite heavy material. Suicide is a no return operation, think twice before to exit.
If you know what you are looking for turn off the light and listen loud.
Special thanks to the Studio112’s urban explorer for the sleeve photography.
Note that the quote on Bizarre Death Wish is not by Frida Kahlo but Rebecca Martin.
Same thing for Viva La Vida…
Dedicated to those conscious that they are human viruses and prefer persevere to survive because they know that staying in this world will change it at some point. Well, never give up. And you will see the dawn.
This album and all the albums of the netlabel are now on air on the Internet Radio Free Albemut h o r s n o r m e
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