Charles Rice Goff III
“Transition Transmission”
Transition Transmission
by Charles Rice Goff III
1 Of Pomp And Pulpit
2 I Was Saved By God To Make America Great Again
Goff produced the recordings presented in this collection from unrehearsed improvisations recorded on January 20, 2025, during the second inauguration of American President Donald John Trump. Using a variety of sound technologies and musical instruments, Goff augmented and embellished the audio feed from Pacifica Radio (KPFA, Berkeley, California) live, as it was being broadcasted. No recorded materials were added nor deleted from the pieces presented here.
“Of Pomp And Pulpit” was captured and mixed on a 4 Track cassette tape. It features political speeches from senators Amy Klobuchar and Deb Fischer, invocations of deities from Timothy Dolan and Franklin Graham, and the swearing of Trump and Vice President James David (JD) Vance by Supreme Court Justices Brett Kavanaugh and John Roberts.
“I Was Saved By God To Make America Great Again” was recorded and mixed on computer software. Donald Trump is the exclusive speaker in this piece, sprinkled with occasional commentary from the Pacifica broadcasters who covered the event.
There is no authorized interpretation of this presentation.
No artificial intelligence was employed in molding this presentation.
All performances, editing, production, cover art, etc. by Charles Rice Goff III.
Korg R3 Vocoder/Synthesizer
Micromoog Analog Synthesizer (original 1977)
Yamaha VSS-30 Sampler/Synthesizer
Le Mega IR 1 Internet Radio
Merchsource Sound Generator
Diane The Mannequin Hand
Ibanez DM 1000 Digital Delay
Yamaha FX 500 Effects Unit
Boss RC 20X Loop Station Loop Duplicator
Tascam 424MKIII 4-Track Cassette Recorder
Cool Edit Pro II Multitrack Recorder
Audacity Multitrack Recorder
Several Plug-In Audio Sound Effects
Copyright 2025 by Taped Rugs Productions