REfugEEs From Beyond – Spiriting Away

REfugEEs From Beyond – Spiriting Away

REfugEEs From Beyond

“Spiriting Away”

The Necrophile Humingbird Netlabel presents Spiriting Away by REfugEEs From Beyond.

“Naturecore for Postpunk Lovers”

Improvisation recorded live the 18th October 2024 at the Cave Heaven in Foucherans.
Members :
Master of Ceremony : Psyché Pelik
Guitar Hero : McClintic
Disc Jockey : Yoshiwaku Mushotoku

“European leaders can’t find money to avoid the climate change but they can find billions for the war defense ? Well, send them on the battlefield !” Mother Earth.

A few days after the session we went mushroom harvesting in the forest, McClintic found the antlers of a deer, which you can see on the cover. It felt symbolic to me, as here in Franche-Comté, hunters and nature lovers alike have been protesting against the National Forestry Office’s mandate to kill so many deer. The supposed reason for this mass culling is the price of oak wood; the deer damage young oak shoots, so the office aims to eradicate them.

This album is dedicated to activists like Paul Watson, who protect animal species against the cruelty of humankind.

Special thanks to someone who passed away this year for her everlasting kindness, we use her soundsystem for the voice.

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