Various Artist
Guillaume Beauron “Le respadou”
The sound work Le respadou uses one of the first recordings I made as a teenager, around 1993-94 with a walkman cassette recorder and a tiny microphone, no headphones. Please forgive some bad handling noises !
We visited with my family les Bru, a brother and a sister, farmers in Laveyron, in the South of France, where my family is from. I recorded the discussion in their house about the period of transition from patois/occitan to french language.
Various other soundscapes are being used with no treatments other than a bit of equalizing, mixing, and a touch of reverb here and there.
Matías Ygielka “Twang”
Twang, a recording made in 2016 in the vicinity of a cathedral in Berlin.
Philip Mill “Ant munching”
Ants Chewing, Communication, Walking, (background noise of cicadas and people talking)
a recording made in August 2019 in Athens, Greece.
Cover art by Fritz Gessler