Invisible Illusion – A Hole In The Blast Furnace

Invisible Illusion – A Hole In The Blast Furnace

Invisible Illusion

“A Hole In The Blast Furnace”

The Necrophile Hummingbird Netlabel presents A Hole In The Blast Furnace by Invisible Illusion.

“Resistance Music for Genocided People”

Saved In The Clouds.
I wish children didn’t die. I wish they would be temporarily elevated to the skies until the war ends. Then they would return home safe, and when their parents would ask them: “where were you?”, they would say: “we were playing in the clouds, we were playing in the clouds…”

Ghassan Kanafani

More than one year after the recording of this album Israel government is still killing people.
I’m sick about this never ending horror, lot of people are just looking elsewhere, like asking “please die in silence”. But it’s a fucking genocide.
And USA & Germany are selling the weapons, in theory France not, but when you dig… You find.

A word about this music, this is an improvised live recording, I mean spontaneous music, there is nearly no edit (mostly few glitches removed), there is no mix and no overdubs. For most of my recording I just descent into the Cave Haven turn on the devices by pressing the energy button and let the music come. But sometime to make it more comfortable to the listener I cut out the tracks to make them shorter. For example for Coexistence track I would have taken the ending part to mix it with the beginning and make a half shorter track, but finally I think it’s a bad habit. I prefer keep it as it is, I mean it’s mantrawave, the repetition inducing a hypnotic trance effect, it’s better to do not mutilate the tracks for a so silly idea than to fit with short attention span… Also for Resistance Is A Struggle and Standing Up Against The Genocide, these tracks could seem overlong but are really relevant that way to make the listener feel how it seems never ending tasks.
Thanks for being You and being different of the mainstream people.

Tracks 1 & 11 with poetry by Ghassan Kanafani.

Tracks 1 to 11 : A Hole In The Blast Furnace A-Side
Tracks 12 to 18 : A Hole In The Blast Furnace B-Side

An anecdote about the album cover, I took the photo inside a blast furnace and what you don’t see is the dead dog someone had left there. There is always something hidden beneath the surface of things.

Dedicated to the victims killed by Benjamin Netanyahou government, as well as the Armenian or all victims of other genocides.

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